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Eighteen-24: Student Advertising Network

The UK’s largest on-campus student advertising network, Eighteen-24.

Reach Gen Z students through engaging digital advertising screens in university students’ unions across the UK.


high contrast, Full-HD portrait D6s


university campuses

University students are often seen as the ultimate target audience for brands – young, smart, and willing to try new things. On the downside, they are notoriously difficult to convince, with their constantly evolving tastes in fashion, music, and movies. With brand loyalties yet to be formed and minds open to persuasion, connecting with this 18-24, Gen-Z audience allows potential lifelong advocacy of brands. That’s why it is critical to develop student advertising campaigns that specifically target this demographic.

A popular strategy to take your brand to the heart of student life is utilising digital out-of-home (DOOH) screens in universities. DOOH advertising allows placements to dynamically display ads targeted to the student population based on location, time of day, and the surrounding events at universities.

placement map

There are


university students in the UK.



 of all students with the Eighteen-24 network.

virgin d6 ad student


visit their students’ union 4x a week or more.


Gen Z+ spend 40+ mins per day in their SUs.

xbox one advert

Students contribute

£37 billion

 to the UK economy every year.

Brands we work with


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